The Gakuen Alice is located somewhere in Tokyo, across from a huge gorilla billboard in the anime. The school grounds contain three levels of education (elementary through senior high), a hospital, the main building, and the central town, where shops managed by Alice-bearing artisans sell goods produced with the help of their Alices.
Four forests surround the grounds. The Northern Woods are the most visited and is home to "Mr. Bear," an animated doll made by an alice at the school.
In the anime, the Academy has its own monetary system, the Rabbit (Rt), with one Rabbit equivalent to 100 yen. However, in the manga, the Academy uses yen as their primary currency.
Due to constant threat by kidnappers and slave traders, vocal and written communication is limited to within the Academy. The grounds are closely guarded, and heavy security and electrified fences deter students from attempting to leave.
High-scoring students in the Final Examinations receive perks such as free meal tickets, certifications, and money. These high-scoring students also qualify for a chance to receive the "Best Student Award," which allows the students to be permitted a week-long leave to go home to be with family.

Alice type
- Latent Type (潜在能力 Senzai-nōryoku ): Latent Alices are the most common in the school, and involve powers connected to ESP abilities. This is the most well-documented class. Examples: Teleportation and Telekinesis.
- Technical Type (技術 Gijutsu ): Technical Alice types appear when the individual performs a certain activity, such as cooking, drawing, etc. The Alices in this type are based on technology and research fields. Examples: Plant Manipulation, Invention and Cooking.
- Somatic Type (体質 Taishitsu ): Unlike other classes, this type manifests itself physically. The Somatic Alices are based on the bodies of humans, animals, and other living things, and appear in the form of a pheromone or physical ability. Examples: Super Speed and Human Pheromone.
- Special Ability (特力 Toku-ryoku ): This class is for students with Alices that don't fit easily into any of the other three classes. Their powers are different and the class is mixed. Some of the rarest Alices belong to this class. Examples: Amplification Alice, Doppelganger Alice, Nullification Alice and Shadow Manipulation Alice.
- Dangerous Ability (危険能 Kiken-nōryoku ): This is considered to be an extra type; the Alices in this class are so strong that they are a threat to the school. This class is very different from the others and could also be described as an occult. They are used by the elementary principal and Persona, and are used to perform secret missions for the school. There are also only six students in this class (not including Persona). Examples include the Mark of Death Alice, Ice Alice, Possession of Evil Spirits Alice, Insect-controlling Alice, Wind Alice, Curse Alice, and Fire Alice. Mikan was moved to the DA class in the manga for her Steal Alice, but she did not remain at the school long enough to be forced to run missions. Tsubasa was also placed in the Dangerous class and did not escape being used by Persona.
Alice shape
Every Alice is categorized as one of four shapes, which specify how much of it can be used and how often.
- Childhood: The Alice slowly appears and disappears as the child grows into an adult.
- Diffuse: The Alice is always available, but at a relatively low power level.
- Intermittent: The Alice can only be used for a short period at any time, but at a relatively high power level.
- Limitless: The Alice is very powerful and can be used as often and as much as desired, but impacts the user's life with each use and can even kill them if overused.
- Life-shortening: The Alice is relatively strong, but the more often the Alice is used the more the user's body deteriorates and life span shortens, and eventually the user will die.
A star-ranking is the evaluation system that the Academy uses to judge a student's schoolwork, Alice level and attitude. There are five rankings, which are indicated by the number of gold stars on a student's collar. The type of stars represent the benefits and advantages for each student.
- No-Star: Students who are below average. This rank is reserved mainly for children, and is not enough to graduate beyond the Elementary School Division.
- Single: Students who are approximately average. Most of the students in the Elementary School Division have this rank. Required to graduate from the Elementary School Division.
- Double: Students who are above average, but still are not exceptionally advanced at either their studies or use of their Alice. Required to graduate from the Middle School Division.
- Triple: Students who are usually considered "overachievers" and tend to excel at their studies, use of their Alice, or both. Required to graduate from the High School Division.
- Special: Students who are considered the best of the best, signified by a label in the shape of a star enclosed in a circle (though rarely seen in the anime). Students of this rank excel tremendously in their Alice and, if they care, their studies. Also known as the "Principal students". There are four known Special star students in the school.
Each star ranking has its own monthly allowance rate:
- No-Star: 5 Rabbits (equal to about 500 yen or 5 US dollars)
- Single: 30 Rabbits (equal to about 3000 yen or 30 US dollars)
- Double: 50 Rabbits (equal to about 5000 yen or 50 US dollars)
- Triple: 100 Rabbits (equal to about 10000 yen or 100 US dollars)
- Special: 300 Rabbits (equal to about 30000 yen or 300 US dollars)

Control device
Control devices are specially designed prevention devices made for a particular person. These devices are worn on the head, hand, or other body part and can emit tracking signals. Each kind of device has sealing abilities that lock a person's Alice within the device. Other control devices are used for punishment purposes or Alice interference, such as the Cat Mask worn by Hyuuga Natsume and the bracelet worn by Nodacchi. If a person wearing one of these disobeys a higher-up, he or she is immediately punished with a pulsating electric shock throughout the body. When wearing a control device normally, electric waves go through the head and cause the wearer to have a horrible headache. Only the one who has placed the control device on the wearer can remove the device.
Alice Stones
Alice stones, also called brinjals, are stones that contain a small, limited amount of Alice from the Alice maker. The brinjal will glow different colors depending on the Alice that the stone was made of. The person who receives the Alice stone will only be able to use it with a strong will power. When the user has an Alice that is compatible with the Alice stone, he or she is able to bring out more of the stone's power at one time. The power of the Alice stone decreases with use which is indicated by the fading of the stone color. The exchange of Alice stones between two people symbolizes that they are promised to each other, like promise rings.

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